Tuesday, 14 January 2014

My experience at Solitude - Day of arrival and 1st impressions !

9th Jan 2014 : Day of Arrival at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany.

To put it in a gist, my day was filled with long queues, travel woes, a heart full of excitement coupled with sheer delight, at the academy's sight ! :p

My Lufthansa flight from Mumbai to Frankurt was sooooo over crowded , mostly with US returning Bombayites, that I was stuck in a Traffic Jam at 1 am at the entrance of Mumbai Airport for 15 mins,  had to wait another 15 mins OUTSIDE gate C before I could get in, only to join longer queues at the check in counter, immigration, boarding & even within the flight itself.! Hushhhh..I was soo tired that I slept throughout the flight..I was soo tired that I dint notice that the flight dint take off for 1 hour well past its time of departure..which had its own consequences..anyway , so basically my flight journey was not so exciting , but the next part of my journey more than compensated for it because - I had a TRAIN to Stuttgart !! YAYY !

Before I proceed further, I would like to share 1 useful piece of info :  Frankfurt railway station is connected to the Airport so its very convenient to book a train to your onward journey within Germany. However, if you are not familiar with Frankfurt airport then its advisible to keep a minimum 2 hour gap as the Airport is SOOOO HUGE & complicated that its very easy to get lost, or atleast feel lost !

                                         THE FRANKFURT RAILWAY STATION !

Its sheer bliss to travel by rail or road when you dont have any work to get done, deadlines to meet, or a tournament venue to reach - when you can simply be in the moment, & enjoy the experience of travelling. Even more so when you are in a new city, a new country...I spent my whole train journey just looking out of the window..:)

                                                   & clicked some selfies :p

Finally, I reached Stuttgart at around 1 pm, took a cab from the station - my cabbie was an Indian who helped me a lot with info about the place & also with my super heavy bag - and as we approached the academy this is what it looked like ..........

& as we went around the building trying to find the entrance, THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE !!

                                              THE SOLITUDE CASTLE !

Only now did I recollect that 'Schloss' - from Academy Schloss Solitude - meant Castle in german !
Thats rite ! I am staying in an actual castle and I am going to be here for the next 3 months !! yayyyy !!

Much happened in my 1st week here, but will write about that next time, for now here are some pics of the Academy campus :)

                                                   Notice the 'A' ? 

I find these typical german windows soo pretty ! I realised the windows are this way not only in the castle but infact in most of the houses in germany ..

Isnt it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo prettyyy !?!?!!!

Till next time, Tschuss !!

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